Path MTU Discovery Test

What is this?

This test sends packets of varying sizes from the server to your browser, and then from your browser to the server in order to check if Path MTU Discovery (PMTUD) is working properly between your browser and this server; which is hopefully indicative of your experience with PMTUD in general.

How does it work?

The first stage of the test sends varying size data packets from the server to the browser, up to the Maxium Segment Size (MSS) sent by the browser in the initial TCP SYN. There are three expected outcomes:

The second stage is the opposite; the browser sends varying size of data packets to the server; packet control is less precise in this direction, and browsers do not expose the MSS in the TCP SYN-ACK received from the server. Again, there are three exepcted outcomes:

If the test completes, the summary data is sent to the server for possible future analysis. If the test doesn't complete, please email me

Why isn't this HTTPS?

Precise packet size control is required, and that's harder, but not impossible, to do with TLS encapsulation. Maybe later.


email welcome

source code